Wang Yi accepted by Obirin University

Though I have been studying really hard after entering Japanese language school, due to the pandemic, a lot of things didn’t go as planned. EJU got cancelled, a draw was required for the English exam and I didn’t get drowned for 3 times. Thankfully, with the help from teachers at the Japanese language school and cram school, I was able to gain confidence in myself.

Before applying to Obirin University, Ms. Yoshida helped me with getting hands on university related documents multiple times. She helped me fix my motivation letter After having a mutual understanding on my academic path. Teachers from my cram school also gave me their full support to help me find the right school through talking to me on the phone.

The interview practice and advices provided by the school has been really helpful as well.

I would like to take this time to thank the teachers from my Japanese language school. Especially Ms. Yoshida, for accompanying me with my interview practice even during winter break. said Wang Yi.

Tokyo International Exchange College Ikebukuro